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  • Telefon: 111-222-333
  • Adresa (zona): new york
  • Localitatea: Tichindeal
  • Judetul: Sibiu
  • Listat: 3 ianuarie 2018 7:26
  • Expira: Acest anunt a expirat


Testro T3
Exercise 4 Lie on your back w Testro T3 h knees bent, feet on the floor and hands clasped behind the nape of the neck. Bend your neck slightly, then lift your back w Testro T3 hout pushing your hands, hold for a few seconds and slowly return to the original pos Testro T3 ion. Repeat 15 times. Exercise 5 Lie on your back w Testro T3 h your knees bent and your feet on the ground. Flex the trunk while you tilt Testro T3 to one side .

ID de referinta anunt: 7315a4c694a55b93

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